Elene Usdin

Scriptwriter, cartoonist

Elene Usdin is a protean French artist who lives between Paris and Brussels. She graduated from the Arts Décoratifs de Paris (graphic design and animated image) in 1998, and began as a painter for the cinema (Pola X by Léos Carax), and
illustrator for the press and children's books (Télérama, Le Seuil, Actes Sud...). Winner of the Picto Prize for fashion photography in 2006, she published a monograph in 2013 with Contrejour. This multidisciplinarity translates into a great freedom and inventiveness in her drawing. She regularly travels to North America: witness her portraits of Detroit published by Wayne State University Press in 2020, and her first graphic novel inspired by the 1960s roundup of Native Americans in Canada, René.e aux bois dormants, published by Sarbacane.

Les Courts Tirages