Legal Notice



This site is published by LES COURTS TIRAGES, SAS with a capital of 15 000 €.

Head office: 51, avenue Maryse-Bastié - 16340 L'Isle-d'Espagnac
Registered with the RCS d'ANGOULÊME under no. 514606169
Tel: 05 45 37 40 40

Website Editorial Manager
Responsible for publication and editing: Catherine Pavie

Website hosting : Squarespace


The personal data collected on the site are only used for order management and to send commercial information issued by Les Courts Tirages. No personal information is transferred to a third party.

This entire site is subject to French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property. All reproduction rights are reserved, whether for texts or images. Reproductions of all or part of this site on paper or electronic media are only authorised for personal and private use, in accordance with the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code. As such, any reproduction, representation, use, adaptation, modification, incorporation, translation, marketing, partial or integral, by any process and on any support whatsoever (paper, digital...), is prohibited, without the prior written permission of the SLOW Galerie, except for the exceptions referred to in Article L 122.5 of the Intellectual Property Code, under penalty of constituting an offence of counterfeiting of copyright and / or designs and models and / or trademark, punishable by two years imprisonment and a fine of 152 449.02 €.

Les Courts Tirages reserves the right to modify or correct the content of its site at any time and without notice.