Gaëlle Geniller


Scriptwriter, Illustrator, Colourist

Gaëlle Geniller was born in 1996 in Saint-Priest, in the Rhône. She lives in Paris. She grew up in the middle of forests and nature in Marcilly-le-Châtel, a small village in the Loire. Since secondary school, she has always liked to create comics that she used to read to her friends. With a BTS in animation drawing, she worked in an animation studio for a few months until the opportunity arose to work on her first comic book, Les Fleurs de grand frère, published in 2019 by Éditions Delcourt, a children's album, with which she met with initial critical and public success.

In 2021, Gaëlle Geniller once again tackles the theme of difference through a small lens that belongs to her alone, with Le Jardin, Paris, the story of Rose, a boy who grows up in a Parisian cabaret in the 1920s. 

Éditions Delcourt Soleil

Les Courts Tirages