Robert Auber, known as A. Bob, born on March 10, 1946 in Le Havre, lives in the midst of the Prix de Rome from which he receives instruction.
Since then, he has never stopped painting (watercolor, oil, acrylic), drawing and sculpting. 

He meets the Cobra movement (acronym of Copenhagen, Brussels, Amsterdam), an experimental art free of any aesthetic concern. When one of his sculptures was cast in Holland, the group offered him to join them but he refused. 

In contact with a new master, he discovers lithography, a new passion, which results in several works in France and also abroad. 

His pencils and felt-tips bring him closer to the world of comics. A joyful period where Franquin, Jijé, portray him during multiple meetings. 

The director of Courts Tirages brings him out of his ivory tower to edit this image on his return from a humanitarian mission in Madagascar. The shock was hard, he said yes, the cause is just, it will be for the eyes of the world. 

Les Courts Tirages