Charlotte Lemaire


Charlotte Lemaire is an author and illustrator. Her interest in the text-image relationship comes from theatre set design. After a stint in graphic design, it is in the illustration workshop of the Beaux Arts of Brussels that she brings together literature and image in children's book projects. The theme of exploration towards the unknown is recurrent. After a few months of a real change of scenery in Lithuania, she followed a master's degree in illustration at the Beaux Arts in Ghent. In her dissertation, she questions the way we dedicate spaces to fiction and narration, comparing the theatre scene, playgrounds, amusement parks and places of our imagination to the children's book.

Currently based in Poitiers, she works for the press (AlterEchos, Baïka, Maison Georges, Albert...) for the theatre for young audiences (Compagnie Rumeurs des Vents) and paints a lot.

His first illustrated book " William, la longue-vue et le tigre " was published in 2019 by Biscoto Editions. The second, " La maison-­ski" will be published in November 2020. 

Les Courts Tirages