Judith Vanistendael


Judith Vanistendael is the daughter of the famous Brussels poet and essayist Geert Van Istendael. But she chose to express herself through comics, an art she studied at the Sint-Lukas Institute, with Johan de Moor and Nix. Her first album, published by Éditions de l'An 2, allows her to tell a slice of family life with all her emotion and intelligence. "La jeune fille et le nègre" is the story of Sophie, a young woman from Brussels who falls in love with Abou, a Togolese asylum seeker. A poignant story that shows the ability of the young woman to marry the intimate and social narrative, to give a transcendental resonance to a private story. Definitely the mark of a great artist! Later, she published "David, Women and Death" at the Éditions du Lombard, which was a great critical success.
Photography © Le Lombard / Daphné Titeca

Les Courts Tirages