Rojer Féghali


Lebanese illustrator, painter, collagist and engraver, Rojer Féghali was born in Lebanon in 1986. He is based in Angoulême since September 2012.

He holds a master's degree in comics from the EESI in Angoulême in 2014, a master's degree in Design Packaging & Communication from the CEPE in Angoulême in 2015 and also a master's degree in Artistic Practices and Social Action from the University Bordeaux Montaigne, obtained in 2017.

Passionate about painting but more broadly about art and travel, he is interested in illustration, drawing, collage and all narrative techniques.

He draws his inspiration from French and Lebanese culture, from which he develops his own pictorial language.

He has exhibited his work in Bordeaux, Poitiers, Angoulême (la Maison des Auteurs), La Rochefoucauld, Marburg in Germany and in Lebanon in 2019 with the French Institute of Beirut for its Beirut-Angoulême-Bordeaux exhibition.

Les Courts Tirages