
Born in Seoul (South Korea) in 1983, YunBo (Bokyoung Yun) studied art and comics at Kongju National University and then at the European School of Image in Angoulême, from which she graduated in 2012 with a master's degree in comics.

After her studies in France, she returned to her country to teach comics in several universities where she also takes doctoral courses. In parallel, she participates in events around comics and contributes to publications.

In 2016, she was welcomed at the Maison des auteurs to finalise her project Je ne suis pas d'ici, which she developed with Samir Dahmani, published by Warum in 2017. This project about expatriation focuses on the way each person looks at the other's society. In it, YunBo addresses her relationship with French society and the difficulties of understanding how it works, in a story based on her experiences.

In 2022, she published Seizième printemps with Delcourt. An animal tale in which she tells the story of Yeowoo, a young fox abandoned by her parents, who gradually learns to appreciate life again thanks to her neighbour.